This is Haresh Ramchandani, District Governor for Rotary District 7020. It’s now been 2 months now since the start of the Rotary Year. This August was Membership Month and from all indications it has been a great month for exposing Rotary to the wider community and for membership growth. Several clubs participated in the Bring a friend concept. Rotary International had a webinar focusing on the new change and flexibility options available to Rotary Clubs titled: “Revitalize and Rethink your Club: Crafting the Member experience”. If you missed it you can go to

This month we highlight Basic Education and Literacy, one of the Six areas of Focus. My friends, did you know that Worldwide, 67 million children have no access to education, and more than 775 million people over the age of 15 are illiterate. Rotarians are supporting educational projects that provide technology, teacher training, vocational training teams, student meal programs, and low-cost textbooks to communities. The goal is to strengthen the capacity of communities to support basic education and literacy, reduce gender disparity in education, and increase adult literacy.

And I ask you to channel your energy this month in enabling your community to a better future; a brighter future. As a district we still focus on the New Generations during September. So we ask you to also spend some energy and time on EarlyAct, Interact, Rotaract, and even RYLA. These Rotary programs are so profound and impactful. And to me this goes hand in hand with Literacy. The next generation is our future so it is in our interests for them to be literate, knowledgeable and prepared for a successful life.
This month I will also be sending out invitations for Nomination for the position of District Governor for the year 2019-2020. So please be on the lookout for that invitation and I hope your club will made a worthy and qualified submission.

As a further reminder, by now you should have paid your Rotary International half yearly dues and Annual District Dues. If you haven’t then I urge you to do so poste-haste.

Some great news on the International Convention and District Cruise Conference. We have now 189 registered for the Convention in Atlanta and we have over 150 cabins confirmed for the Cruise Conference. These are 2 events you don’t want to miss.

My friends, we are truly part of a wonderful organization. I have now visited 26 Rotary Clubs as part of my official visit as Governor, and the impact they’ve had in their communities is nothing short of extraordinary. Be proud to be a Rotarian – I certainly am.

DG Haresh L. Ramchandani